The cost of your cash advance loan is dependant on many factors, such as the lender and how you manage your financial obligations. Cash advance loans are designed for emergency situations when you are short of cash and need money fast! Family emergencies, unexpected car repairs, overdrafts, telephone reconnection and deposits are just some of the urgent cash needs that you may experience.
Your fees are less than the cost of not having the cash you need when you need it - overdraft fees, bounced check charges, taxes, even losing your job because you cant get to work! Actual fees are determined based on the information you provide when you submit your loan application.
Your cash can often be sent to your bank account the very next business day and you dont repay until your next paycheck.
No collateral is required to be placed against the loan taken. Therefore, homeowners as well as non-homeowners can apply for it.
Not as much paperwork and hence quicker to obtain.
The repayment term for an unsecured loan starts from 6 months and can go up to 10 years.
The interest rates offered on unsecured loans are higher, normally between 7% and 30%.
The maximum loan amount for unsecured loan is to about $25,000.
Although, there is no worry of losing your home in case of any inability to repay the loan, in the event that a borrower does not pay up, the lender will pursue the borrower through the legal system. Tenants and other homeless people constitute a major group of borrowers of unsecured loans online. Unsecured loans are also made available to people who are on income supports: like those over 60 years of age, unemployed or people whose savings range from $8000 to $12000.
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